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Welcome to Diva Group


Diva Group is an umbrella of companies that operate globally. We focus on our core consumer sectors of E-Commerce, Manufacturing and Wholesaling. We value our group in understanding consumer behaviour, working with top brands and marketing effectively.


We aim to deliver long term customer satisfaction in all of our sectors.

Portfolio: About


"To be successful,  you have to have your heart in your business, and your business in your heart and the secret of getting ahead is getting started." When I started this company, I wanted to make a difference and as it's not just about business ideas, it's about making ideas happen. 


I strongly believe that whenever you see a successful business, it is the founder that once made a courage decision.  Courage is what it takes to stand up, work hard and create a business which is involving, fun and is exercising your creative instincts. I always wanted to build my own dreams instead of someone to hire me to build theirs.


Ever since I have created Diva Group, reputation and positive reviews are the most fundamental tool to the group success. My purpose is to create customers that value our brands, quality of product and in return those customers will create more customers.


In order to achieve this, I have made customer satisfaction the core value of the company. 

Portfolio: About



Mir Wais

Operations Director

As a visionary leader with excellent management skills and the ability for directing company operations in a growth-minded direction, Mir Wais has been helping Diva Group reach its true potential since the very first day of its incorporation.


Megan Munro

Head of Customer Service

Megan is a leading expert in customer service strategies. She aims to provide structured guidance in assessing the value of their customer service, prioritise customer service projects and a plan for future growth.


Chloe Veil

Head of Administration

Chloe's responsibilities are to review customer data reports and analysis, and contributes to the maintenance of an accurate, up-to-date customer resolution.


Mary Ann

E-Commerce (UK)

Mary focuses on improving user experience, nurturing prospects, and updating the UK online store. She is also responsible for monitoring and tracking transactional and revenue performance.


Zia Awais

E-Commerce (Europe)


Zia is responsible for handling the European online sales of the company. His role is to create and maintain the strong image of the brand, encourage the online sales and track the online transactions. As well as this, he manages the system to improve the user experience.


John Mir

E-Commerce (International)

John handles the company's online sales. His responsibilities include creating a strong brand image, encouraging online sales and managing the international online transaction system.


Lisa Perkins

Customer Feedback


Lisa's role involves communicating with customers and ensuring that all customers are satisfied with their products/services. She aims for the company's health to be excellent.


Sarojini Tatiparthi


Sarojini handles the responsibility for marketing programs, brand management, and corporate sponsorship. She thrives on challenges, particularly those that expand the company’s reach.


Nicole Jacobs

Head of Warehouse Operation

Nicole is a deadline-driven and detail-orientated individual with several years of experience in warehouse distribution environments. Her day to day role includes global platform order fulfilment and maintaining the efficiency of the warehouse.


Benjamin Callum

Head of Warehouse Distribution

Benjamin's role includes managing the constant flow of goods towards the front end. He ensures checking product quantity and quality as well as ensuring all deliveries are effectively completed in and out of the company.

Portfolio: Team

Ravi Kumar

Head of Information Technology

Ravi's role includes handling the customer relationship management software and effectively dealing with all IT issues throughout the company. 

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